Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Drug overload!!!

Hello everyone!

I admit that I am a young man but in the last 25 years of me being on this lovely planet earth I have seen a few things. One of them is that every time I walk into a CVS or drugstore I notice that the amount of prescriptions being filled are getting bigger and BIGGER...

I mean look at this picture that I took in a Pharmacy last week. I was there to get something and while waiting couldn't help to notice how stacked these pills were.

Now obviously in the last decade we have had some breakthroughs in science on certain levels in pharmacology and this I think is good. BUT.... I asked one of the fine young ladies at this pharmacy what it is that she See's going through her place the most. She looked at me rolled her eyes and shook her head a little and said, SSRI's NSRI's Anti Psychotics, Benzodiazapines, Opiates, Anxiolitics... And if you read my blog from time to time you will agree that this was no new news to me.

The point that I am getting at is the fact that with all the new drugs for cardio, BP, Cholesterol, Ad Infinitum - That it was these damn harmful Psychiatric drugs that were taking over the world.

I was discussing with someone about a week ago the medications she was taking and she said "I want off the opiates but not my anti-seizure meds" I looked at her and asked "why not"? "when did you start getting Seizures"? She stated "oh, I started getting them from Paxil. Now this is an unfortunate occurrence as now that this poor lady took Paxil she will be on this medication to prevent the seizures... She does not even take Paxil anymore!!! Has not for years!

Sorry but this is just not right in my book that people can be hurt so badly by these Big pharma companies and not enough people care about it...

Do you agree? I want your thoughts...

Later - Monty

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recipe for disaster...

Well I was driving down the street today and I saw the above sign, now I know in most cases there is a joke after a statement like that but this is no joke to me. You see there are many a doctor today that make a profit off the demise of others, now I know that this is a harsh statement but the simple fact of the matter is its true. I am not even saying that this particular one is a that way but it was a red flag for me for sure...

"Weight loss" is on the sign and when its being prescribed by a doctor and is being advertised like this you can be sure that it will be an amphetamine of some sort "Dexedrine" "Phentremine" or something of that nature now what are these pills you ask? well they are defined as:
Amphetamine and related drugs such as methamphetamine are a group of drugs that act by increasing levels of nor epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain.[3] The group includes prescription CNS drugs commonly used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and children. It is also used to treat symptoms of traumatic brain injury and the daytime drowsiness symptoms of narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome. Initially, amphetamine was more popularly used to diminish the appetite and to control weight.

You see I have asked a lot of people in my time that are using these drugs what they do and what they are and i find it unfortunate that not many of them actually know what it is that they are. These drugs are not only addictive but can cause many a problems with people taking them. I don't think its okay that doctors can use them for weight loss.

And the other writing on the sign was for suboxone, now i don't think that this is bad in itself as "Suboxone" is Buprenorphine (or colloquially, "Bupe") is a semi-synthetic opiate with partial agonist and antagonist actions. Buprenorphine hydrochloride was first marketed in the 1980s by Reckitt & Colman (now Reckitt Benckiser) as an analgesic, . In October 2002, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States of America additionally approved Suboxone and Subutex, buprenorphine's high-dose sub lingual pill preparations for opioid addiction, and as such the drug is now also used for this purpose. In the European Union, Suboxone and Subutex, buprenorphine's high-dose sub lingual pill preparations were approved for opioid addiction treatment in September 2006. In the Netherlands, Buprenorphine is a List II drug of the Opium Law, though special rules and guidelines apply to its prescription and dispensation. In the USA, it has been a Schedule III drug under the United Nations.

Now that you know what the drug is I have seen a lot of success with this drug for opioid addiction but the one thing that I see all the time is that it is for way to long, I know of successful detoxes that use this an can ween people of all opioids or opiates in 7-15 days and I see doctors using it for people for months which I don't agree as it will, like any other drug or substance either become addictive or you become dependant to it.

I just had to get this out there as it is frustrating to see that when someone walks into a doctors office for help with either pain or weight loss etc that they can be taken advantage of by doctors whom they trust.

Agree? Disagree? I want to know.

Later - Monty