Friday, April 11, 2008

Drug fact - News Flash!

Hello there!

I just read this when going through my daily barrage of horrific news about the drugging of our children and adults in America - You ready for it....

"There are more than enough antipsychotic and antidepressant medications prescribed each year to hand a Xanax, Prozac or Ritalin to every man, woman and child in America."

HELLO!!! Think about that for a second.... Thought about it? That is a whole lot of drugs... That means that there are 303,830,148 drugs floating around being consumed by people as that is how large the United States is at the time of this writing, so when you might say to yourself that "not that many people take prescription drugs" or "America is not over drugged" just look at the facts...

I read this in an article from Joseph R. Mawhinney, who is the president of the California Psychiatric Association.

Well, what do you think of this....?

Later - Monty


Lawtears said...

Hi, there are 3 types of statistics: lies, damned lies, and statistics! I'm afraid your stats on drugs falls into the 'lies'* category.

Your implying that if we got every xanax, prozac and ritalin user to come together and throw their yearly consumption in front of them, then we'd have at least 303,830,148 pills in a big pile. However, this is a *yearly* supply. On a day-to-day basis, this works out to be 303M/365.25 = 831841. So, today, 831841 people will be taking one of the aforementioned drugs. Or 0.274% of the population.

If the prevalence of symptoms that these drugs relieve is greater than 0.274% within the population at large, then you have ironically just argued that drugs are underprescribed in American society. Also, the above assumed that patients are taking 1 pill only per day. If they take two or more it will skew the stats further in favour of the drugs companies.

I can't argue your basic point, that America is overdrugged. Indeed, it's quite likely that you're completely correct. However, the stats quoted actually contradict the point you are making.


*'Lies' suggests more negativity than truly implied. Everyone lies with stats. It's no big deal. That's why the 'damned lies' category exists :) L

Monty said...

Thanks Lawtears and your point was well taken.

I was not trying to lie if that is what you are implying but I do get what you are saying.

If you did what I do for a living then I think that you would see the horrific truths of what I am saying in the different posts that I make.

The hundreds of people that I work with that have "trusted" there doctors into the over prescription of Opiates, Benzos, and SSRI's and then they have to spend their hard earned money just to come off these drugs is just a damned shame. That is why i am so furious and spend some of my time making this blog - to get the truth that I see out there on a daily basis.

Read my other articles and let me know what you think.
