Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rolling Stone article on Zyprexa


Did anybody get to read the new Rollin Stone article on Zyprexa???

Man, If you did not then I am ordering you to!! It is very comprehensive and well written and best of all its true!

This is a great blow and I will tell you why I say this, I participate on a weekly radio show in Tampa Fl on prescription drugs and we regularly speak in outrage about this and other Atypical drugs, and sometimes it gets sorta old as I think that its just Nicole and Larry and I speaking on and on and on about the disaster that these drugs have caused and the lies that were told to get them as popular as they are today, BUT – With this article it shows me that AMERICA cares and that we are making a difference if only small and that people are waking up to the fact that these drugs are killing the elderly and causing suicides and causing diabetes in normal healthy people.

And for what... $$$ that's what it all about.

Anyhoo – Not to bore you but let me just give you a few quotes from it... To whet your desire..

Zyprexa was created to treat schizophrenia, but it wound up being used on depressed moms and misbehaving kids. How one of the nation's biggest pharmaceutical companies turned a flawed, dangerous pill into a multi-billion-dollar bonanza — and who paid the price.”

"It was a very clever sort of con," says Dr. Peter Tyrer, a leading psychiatric researcher at Imperial College in London who wrote in the latest issue of the respected medical journal The Lancet about a new study that debunks the effectiveness of the atypicals. "Almost the whole scientific community was conned into thinking — as a consequence of good marketing — that this was a different and better set of drugs. The evidence, as it's all added up, has shown this to be untrue."

Well??? Need I say more.. read the article!!!

I want people to call up our radio show and give me their comments this weekend on this article, go to http://www.prescriptionaddictionradio.com/

Later - Monty

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eli Lilly is the most villainous company to ever metastasize in this country. They should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Please keep opposing the build-up of scummy psychiatry! I appreciate your hard work.

Psychiatry Survivor